The purpose of this article is to outline how to build a survival kit specifically for wilderness environments. The outdoors has its own challenges, and your kit should reflect this and be adapted to the kind of situations that would come up there.
You’ll want a weather-proof pack to house your items in, something easy to carry with you out in the wilderness. We’ll want our kit to be as light as possible, so there will be a premium on items with multiple possible uses.
A brief survival guide is an essential addition to your kit. While you may feel you know how everything works right now, never underestimate the mind’s power to go blank in times of stress. Have a brief guide in your kit just in case. It will also make it easier if someone else needs to use your kit.
Now, let’s take a look at some of the items we should consider putting in our kit.
Tools and Equipment
Mini LED flashlight- small and bright. White and yellow are the most visible colors. A good knife- a versatile blade, a small machete works well. Something that clear forest, cut wood, but small enough to fashion hooks, open cans, etc. A small Swiss army knife- with a blade, scissors, a screwdriver, a file, a can opener and tweezers. 20 ft of Para cord- creating shelter, bundling firewood. Many possible uses. Needles and heavy thread- repairing clothing and gear, stitching wounds. A compass- for navigation (ie getting unlost). Duct tape- many possible uses. A small cooking tin- for cooking food. A small magnifying glass- for starting fires, inspecting things. Magnesium and flint bar- a second option for fire starting. Safety pins- for fixing clothing and gear; can be fashioned into hooks as well.
A pencil and a few sheets of paper- for taking notes Reflective survival blanket- to keep you warm. Wear on the outside, not the inside. Can be used for signaling, creating a shelter as well. Painter’s tarp or garbage bags- for collecting garbage, to be used as a poncho, for creating a water proof shelter. A loud whistle- for signaling, scaring off animals. A lighter or matches- for starting a fire. Mirror- for signaling, inspecting hard to see wounds. Map- for navigation. Ziploc freezer bags- for leftovers, other uses. $50+- for when you get back to civilization, for food and gas.
Food & Water
Fishing line and hooks- for setting up passive fishing lines. Use heavier lines. 1-2L of water- it’s very important to stay hydrated. Water purification tablets- a good backup if your water supply runs out.
Diarrhea pills- to stay comfortable and hydrated. Extra-strength pain killers- to treat injuries and allow you to keep moving. A first aid kit- to treat wounds, avoid infection. Building your own first aid kit will force you to understand how all the items work and how to use them. To learn how to do that, read this article on creating your own first aid kit.
Place your items in your pack, and you’re ready to go.
Good luck and stay prepared!
You can read more from RamboMoe at preparedforthat.com