I love camping and I camp as often as possible. One very important thing when you go out camping in the wild, is to be prepared and to be thorough when doing your camping check list. One of the most important items you should take when camping are the light weight camping tarps.
1.Because they are waterproof, this condition makes them indispensable to protect you from bad weather. Last year I went camping to an isolated area in Eastern Uruguay and it was pouring, but thanks to the light weight camping tarp we took with us, all our gear and clothes remained dried!
2.Nowadays with the sun so dangerous having a light weight camping tarp and using it as a portable beach shelter to protect yourself and your outdoor equipment while having some more needed shelter is a must for any camping trip. The camping tarps are very light and easy to carry so there are no excuses, YOU MUST TAKE ONE WITH YOU:)!
3.Another great use for the camping tarps is that you can use them as storage for your camping equipment, camping kitchen or all the dirty clothes at the end of the trip. They are easy to fold, and light to be carried, so they make for an excellent improvised luggage.
4.Despite they are so useful for many different things as mentioned above, they are incredibly cheap, you can buy them online at around twenty bucks!. There are several brands such as the 15′ X 15′ Blue 6-mil Waterproof Poly Tarp Boat Cover 15×15 Tarpaulin for Camping Tent Shelter Shade Canopy Woodpile Roof etc by Grizzly which is on sale at amazon for $14.28
Well, I hope you found this post useful and informative and it was an entertaining camping/outdoors read, so now you know, every time you go camping, take your light weight camping tarp with you!