In the UK holiday accommodation can be expensive, this article take a look at deciding between the two cheapest forms of accommodation the UK has to offer – camping in a tent or staying in a static caravan. By asking your self the three simple questions you will get a good idea which is going to be best for you.
Are you an outdoor lover?
Do you like being outdoors? Does it matter to you what the weather is doing outside? If you answered yes to being outdoors and no to whatever the weather is doing then the chances are that you will enjoy a camping holiday under canvas. If on the other hand you don’t like being outdoor and you when you are you like it to be sunny a static caravan would definitely be a much better holiday for you.
Are you going away with your family?
If your family is made up of you, your wife and children under the age of nine then I would perhaps recommend that you look at static caravan holidays instead of camping holidays. The reason for this is simple; many larger static caravan sites will have large play areas, swimming pools and entertainment clubs that will keep children entertained. This is particularly important in the UK as you never know when the weather is going to take a turn for the worse.
Do you have any furry friends to take on holiday with you?
Both camping an static caravans will allow you to take your pets on holiday with you, but staying in a static caravan is perhaps the best solution. The reason I say this is that dogs can be easily disturbed especially in a new environment and they will inevitably end up hearing some creature out in the hedge row and waking you up to tell you about it. If you like your sleep and like to take your pets away I’d recommend a static caravan holiday.